Club Meetings
Troy Democratic Club meetings are held the fourth Thursday of every month. Most include special speakers on local and Michigan politics, progressive causes and ways to get involved. Request to be added to our email list at the bottom of this page to get monthly invitations to Club meetings.

A Special Invitation to Young Americans
It's your world now! What are you going to do with it? The Democratic Party is all about preparing for the future, taking on climate change, empowering young voters and protecting the rights of all people to make their own healthcare choices. So here's a special invitation to join the Troy Dems and make a difference on a local, grass-roots level, where you can see the direct results of your efforts. Join the Club or join our mailing list.

Defend Our
Voting Rights
The Troy Dem Club is dedicated to supporting free and fair elections for all citizens. We urge all voters, members of the Club or not, to support voting rights for all Americans.
Our voices need to be even stronger and more united to defend democracy in the coming years. Please make an effort to become more involved in Club activities so that we can show everyone the potential that is America.

Upcoming Events
Watch your email for news about upcoming events both within Troy and on the national stage. And be sure to join the official TDC Facebook club, where you'll get the most up-to-date news and information about Club events. ​
See the TDC Facebook page for details on upcoming events.